I do two kinds of coaching

Make Some Freakin’ Noise

If you’re working on a project, event or just need to get the word out about what you’re doing here’s what’s involved

πŸ“’ A big ass plan on why you’re showing up and your message
πŸ“’ Creating a timetable to execute this in the desired time
πŸ“’ I will get you to be guest speakers in Facebook groups, podcasts and online summits
πŸ“’ Creating copy and emails
πŸ“’ Sales pages
πŸ“’ Sharing photos and videos which are true to you and your message. Not a blended down version hoping it gets you clients

You can be boring in a J-O-B. This sure as hell isn’t why you started working for yourself.

Ignite Your Confidence

This is for you if you’re doing your marketing and it’s not getting you traction and ultimately sales. Here’s what happens

πŸ’₯ I review your social media
πŸ’₯ Together we create marketing which speaks to your ideal clients
πŸ’₯ I help you do Facebook lives
πŸ’₯ You show up walking your talk
πŸ’₯ We create content that STANDS OUT
πŸ’₯ Find your ideal clients (they are out there)
πŸ’₯ Create a marketing schedule you can stick to which then helps you spend more time on your business

For me if I’m not having fun I find it hard to get things done. You haven’t set up your business to feel flat and boring so you need to weave your own personal magic into what you do.